The greatest fun is to glide lightly on the immaculate snow of a slope, skim the weightless ground playing with the technique and strength of nature, it is beautiful, for an instant that seems eternal, feel free .
To achieve this state of affairs, however, it is not enough to be good, have a great technical knowledge, and it would already be no small thing, We also need to be helped by a number of external elements that can help us achieve our goal by ensuring the highest possible chance of success safely.
The ideal time to reach a slope to go down is not only when there is snow, we have free time and there is sun, Surely these factors are important and can serve as a primary motivation but then we must be able to evaluate other data without the translation of which our trip would be full of unknowns and rather like a jump into the void.
Our training course Ski Freeride will allow you to know the secrets to have fun safely teaching you to decipher every element useful to the success of your day off the piste.
During the course will be observed the following contents: technical and equipment deepening, video, observation of the territory of the weather and the avalanche bulletin, choice of route, approach strategy, exercises for technical learning, translation of all the data on the territory, off-piste descent, changes and adaptations, climbing technique, snow cover test, choice of the slope, air and snow temperature control, choice of slope, capacity, special roped techniques, management of other groups/people, man-environment relationship.

Dates and locations can be changed according to the demands and snow conditions and each route will be evaluated and identified the day before together. If necessary, the Mountain Guide may decide to change the itinerary if the safety conditions do not allow the trip to run smoothly.
Pala, ARVA e sonda sono obbligatori, è possibile noleggiare il kit completo di zainetto presso la nostra organizzazione, così come tutta l’attrezzatura freeride.
La nostra proposta è valida per tutti gli sciatori, di ogni livello. Le lezioni sono di gruppo, private o personalizzate, per un apprendimento completo del pianeta neve.